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5 Reasons why a meatless monday is good for you!

Why a meatless Monday is good for you?

There are many reasons why going meatless once a week is good for you. Here are 5 good reasons that will convince you to take part in this challenge:


1. Your Health

Going meatless may reduce your risk for many preventable conditions and diseases. For example, a study found out that limiting your meat consumption and eating fruits or vegetables daily will reduce your risk of a coronary heart disease by 4percent and for a stroke by 5 percent.


2. Your wallet

Buying meat – especially high-quality meat is expensive. For example 500 grams of high-quality minced meat costs NZ $9 whereas a whole vegetable meal will that will last you for more than one serving will cost less or the same amount.


3. Minimize of water usage

Did you know that approximately 6,400 litre of water are needed to produce just half a kilo of beef? And just 140 litre to produce half a kilo of veggies? Crazy right?


4. Reduce Greenhouse Gases

Animals, especially cows and cattle fart and burp a lot – we all know that. But did you think that this farting and burping makes up 5,5 percent of all greenhouse gases we push in the atmosphere each year? Plus meat production produces a total of 30 kg of greenhouse gas per kg of food while veggies produce much less.


5. Animals live in cruelty

The livestock industry grows bigger and bigger each year as we are more and more people living on the planet. There is not enough space for all the animals we consume, but this is not a fact to minimize the growth of the industry. Unfortunately, the meat does not get more expensive to regular the demand on the market – the animals suffer. We all have seen pictures of livestock farms and how bad are the living conditions for the animals. If you implement a meatless Monday you could save 28 land animals and 175 aquatic animals each year!


If you want to learn more about the benefits of a meatless monday or just seek some more information, you can check out this page!

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